Puzzle#38: Quadruple Sudoku

RULES: Place a digit from 1 to 9 into each of the empty cells so that each digit appears exactly once in each row, column and 3x3 outlined box.
Additionally, the digits given at intersection must appear in 4 adjoining cells. If any digit is given twice in any of the intersection, it must appear twice in adjoining cells.


  1. 16:14.This dragged on.Break-in was hard to find and even towards the end ,I was 'feeling'my way through and not 'coasting' towards the end.Nice and hard sudoku.

    1. Made me remember the insane Inclusion sudoku (which I broke) created by Rohan and flailed badly in R2 of WSC 2017 with 339 points.

  2. 5:52 I love quadruples without all four digits given :)


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